Think, Think worst minus one

Whenever you are left alone or you don't have a friend to talk to with and share your grief with usually one becomes numb and their brain stops to concentrate on anything and the only thing that comes to their mind is that "Am I a loser? Will I be the same forever? Will I not able to live my dream?" and the only solution to all those questions is SUICIDE.

Suicide, which looks like a solution for your problems but that is still a question for your loved ones. Suicide is/should never be an option. 

Don't be an uninvited guest up there. Keep your self-esteem and wait for the call, till then enjoy to the moon and back, enjoy to the core, enjoy your heart out. 

Whenever you think of taking such steps, think of your best moments in the past, think of your parents, think of your family, think of your dreams, think of your achievements, think of your friends, think of your capability, think of your healing power, think worst minus one...

For those who know that their friends or loved ones are having suicidal thoughts, talk to them, talk positive to them, talk normal to them... Never ask them,

"You aren’t thinking of killing yourself are you?"  When you word the question in such a way, it sets them up to say no, even if they are having suicidal thoughts.  

"How could you be so selfish?! Don’t you know how hurt your family would be if you killed yourself?"  Making someone feel guilty will only add to their pain. Instead, instill hope and focus on assisting they find help.

Never promise to keep a suicide plan a secret. You may be concerned that they will be upset with you, but when someone's life is at risk, it is more important to ensure their safety.

The number of stages one has to walk through to make a change

The responsibility of realization. One who wants to be in control of his life first has to embrace the status quo. In your primary responsibility, you have to combine all aspects of your reality and draw a sum up line ---

The responsibility of eradicating the redundant. If you want something beautiful to enter your life you have to make space for it. No one will clean your room and declutter your house. You have to do it yourself.

The responsibility of solving your own problems. You can’t become a person who pushes his body through the pain at will by being a couch potato. 

In simple words, Think the best thing, think how to live thing, think worst minus one thing...


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